Frequently asked questions

About the collaboration between client and graphic designer.

Here you will find answers to common questions related to graphic production and projects.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

How much does a website cost (a logo, a poster, etc.)?

The price varies significantly based on your specific wants and needs. Since individual design requires tailor-made solutions, there are no fixed prices.

A price offer can be given after a non-binding first conversation, where we define the scope of the project together.

Questions about your project.

Here you can download a list of the most relevant questions that will arise during the development of a design product. To ensure an efficient and structured collaboration, it is of great help for both parties to define the desired end product as early as possible. Based on your answers to these questions, we can estimate the amount of work and thus the estimated price accurately. Your answers are completely non-binding until you approve the price offer. Download the file here:

What does a graphic designer do?

Graphic design is the art of arranging images and text to communicate a message and create understanding for this message. This process can be done on any medium, including print, web and other digital platforms, film and animation, products and packaging, signs, logos, brochures, advertising, books and more.

Graphic design is a multidisciplinary discipline that overlaps with many other disciplines, and it encompasses a wide range of products. Broad professional knowledge is required to develop graphic products that meet the technical, aesthetic and logistical requirements.

In short, a graphic designer finds the right design language that both works technically and appeals to a specific target group. If you want to present your product professionally, you should bet on an experienced professional rather than “the boy next door who is also good with data”.

Trust the professionals! It pays off.

What is the procedure for a normal production?

A standardized production consists of several production phases. These are usually independent of the desired end product, but can vary in time consumption.

  1. Your inquiry
  2. An initial non-binding conversation where the project is described in more detail
  3. Price estimate
  4. Written price offer with time frame
  5. Approval of the price offer
  6. Project start
  7. Gathering relevant information, sketch development, programming, etc.
  8. Presentation of sketch
  9. Corrections/changes/adaptations
  10. Final presentation
  11. Godkjenning
  12. Optimization of approved material for print/web
  13. Print/publish online
  14. Satisfied customer
  15. Happy Petas Design :)
What role do I play as a client during the development process?

Your tasks during production usually include dissemination of the desired content, access to necessary and relevant material (e.g. texts, relevant files, images), proofreading and approval of the final product.

During the process, questions will usually arise that need to be clarified. It is crucial to have one competent contact person who can provide quick and binding answers to such questions.

Remember that you, as a client, can make a significant contribution to efficient and timely production. The better prepared you are (e.g. with ready-made texts, available images, etc.), the faster the product can be completed.

Throughout the process, there will be a dialogue between the client and Petas Design, usually via e-mail. You will receive specific questions that you must answer. The faster and more precisely you answer, the faster the product can be completed.

What about usage rights and copyright on the design?

Copyright arises the moment a work is created (cf. the Copyright Act). All graphic material developed by Petas Design is protected by copyright and may not be used, published, copied, forwarded or edited without the consent of Petas Design.

The usage rights for a work are transferred when the product has been paid for. This means that the usage rights to the design developed by Petas Design are transferred to the customer. If the project is interrupted, the client will only be invoiced for the number of hours used, and not for the cost of the usage rights, as these will not be transferred.

How long does the development of a design product take?

This depends on how extensive the project is. A time estimate is given together with the price offer.

Generally, one should expect about a week after approval of the price offer before the first design proposal can be presented. After this, several factors will influence how quickly the project can be completed.

As a client, you can also contribute significantly to efficient and timely production by having all relevant material ready and available, and by maintaining dialogue about the product. To ensure quality, it is recommended to take the time to develop a solid product – haste is quality’s biggest enemy!

Professional questions…

Each design product is subject to technical, aesthetic and logistical constraints in the production process. In addition, time and budget set limits on what is possible. Petas Design develops optimized and user-friendly solutions that take such limitations into account. Again, trust the professionals you hire. We find the optimal solution.

Where is the material printed? What happens to the website when it is finished-designed?

Petas Design has a professional and solid network within the production and publication of your products. The printing process of your printed matter or publication and operation of your website is done via these third parties.

I offer tailor-made offers for both print production and website publishing. I have long and good experience with my partners, which ensures safe production and publication for both you as the client and me as the supplier. Costs for printing and prices for publishing websites are not included in the design price and are invoiced separately.

Pre-printed media is delivered directly to you from the print shop. The website is published through a publishing solution that allows you to edit and publish the content yourself. This is a big advantage, as you can easily update your website as needed.